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Project Sites

Opportunities along the LA River corridor are either people-based, driven by politics, program, and community partnerships, or are place-based, derived from land assets and underlying geophysical conditions.


A series of nine geographical frames was developed by the LA River Master Plan to assist in the delineation of reach-specific concepts related to jurisdictional, hydraulic, and ecological zones. The use of the frame is purposeful—it illustrates how the areas adjacent to a river reach are critical to understand in planning and implementing a connected and accessible river corridor.

Total Significant Project Sites
Projects from Previously Published Plans
Newly Proposed Project Sites
City of Los Angeles | River Miles 43.1 - 51
City of Los Angeles | River Miles 37.8 - 43.1
Cities of Los Angeles and Burbank | River Miles 32.0 - 37.8
Cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, and Glendale | River Miles 24.5 - 32.0
City of Los Angeles | River Miles 19.5 - 24.5
Cities of Bell Gardens, Bell, Maywood, Vernon, Commerce | River Miles 14.1 - 19.5
Cities of Compton, Paramount, Downey, Lynwood, South Gate, and Cudahy | River Miles 8.4 - 14.1
City of Long Beach | River Miles 4.0 - 8.4
City of Long Beach | River Miles 0.0 - 4.0

Identifying Sites

Potential site locations are based on an overlap of need and opportunity.

While people-based opportunities are critical for implementation, place-based opportunities were used to identify potential locations for sites and projects. Many of the sites in this Master Plan draw upon previous planning efforts and the community desires voiced therein. To fill gaps between these projects and ensure a consistent distribution of amenities and facilities throughout the river corridor, the Master Plan includes several newly proposed sites. In such cases, site extents were determined through an in-depth analysis of the LA River right-of-way and available adjacent land assets using publicly available parcel and land use data for LA County.

Site-Specific Opportunities

The goals pages outline needs along the LA River related to each of the Master Plan’s nine goals. After understanding the needs, it is important to identify opportunity areas where those needs can be met. In some areas, existing planned major projects can meet needs, but in other areas gaps exist and new sites need to be identified. The sites of the Master Plan identify opportunity areas to create multi-benefit projects at an equitable cadence along all 51 miles of the river.

Identify Areas of High Need
The LA River Master Plan data-based methodology identifies areas of high need along the LA River. The river rulers allow data to be easily compared laterally across various datasets. This simplified example of the process shows CalEnviroScreen3.0 and the LA County Regional Parks Needs Assessment (2016), the two datasets that form the basis for defining park need for the LA River Master Plan. Using the data-based methodology, areas with high needs or many overlapping needs can be determined.
OLIN, 2019.
Compare Areas of Highest Need and Opportunity
After understanding needs along the LA River, opportunity sites in several ownership and land use categories were identified (three examples are shown here). Areas of the highest needs were compared with existing planned major projects and opportunity parcels to determine where multi-benefit projects might be located along the LA River at an equitable cadence.
OLIN, 2019.


As projects come to fruition, they can affect positive change in communities by addressing needs related to the nine goals. Where access to parks is significantly lacking, for example, projects can prioritize adding acres of open space; where flood risk is a concern, projects can respond with pinpointed strategies to protect adjacent neighborhoods. A project’s potential to fulfill these needs–whether one or many–is measured as “impact.” The Master Plan organizes sites into five categories of impact: extra small (XS), small (S), medium (M), large (L), and extra-large (XL).

Impact for Site-Based Projects
Impact for Site-Based Projects. Impact is based on a project’s size (measured by acreage or length) and ability to address multiple high-level needs.
OLIN, 2019.

Impact is inherently tied to a project’s acreage, with larger sites generally having the potential to address more needs and affect greater change than smaller project sites. M, L, and XL impact projects will likely be uniquely designed and require the most capital and planning, while XS and S projects will likely involve applying design guidelines to a new access point or seating area.

In addition to acreage, the level of need at a particular project site may increase the project’s impact. If an M or L project site has an opportunity to address multiple relatively high needs near the river, its impact may increase. In this case, a project site must have at least two need scores within the top 2% of need scores within one mile of the river. Extra-large impact is the highest possible impact classification.

Planned Major Projects Impact

Similar to how opportunity sites were assessed based on their scale and expected ability to positively address local needs, existing projects were also categorized by impact. Existing planned major projects were reviewed to determine if prior planning efforts have targeted the current needs established by the Master Plan. In situations where current needs are not being met, further coordination with the project’s planning organization is recommended.

Project List By Impact

More information about individual projects and sites can be found in Appendix Volume II: Technical Backup Document.

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