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Identify and activate cultural assets along the LA River corridor.

    A community’s cultural assets contribute to its creativity, traditions, robustness, and vitality and can act as both resources and opportunities. Cultural assets can be material, ephemeral, and even spiritual. They include buildings, sites, and objects holding local and national cultural significance;…

    [field rationale]

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    Increase safe transportation routes to the river.

      Ensuring that there are clear, safe, direct connections from neighborhoods to the LA River makes nearby neighbors more likely to use the river and, by extension, the broader LA County network of parks and trails that the river connects to. The…
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      Improve flood facility operations and maintenance.

        Dams, levees, channels, and other flood management projects, like all infrastructure, require proper operations and maintenance. Increased investment in operations and maintenance of LA River infrastructure can increase its effectiveness and lengthen its useful life, providing a greater return on…
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