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Upland Landside Right-of-Way

Upland habitat on the landside right-of-way can be created through a levee modification called a planting berm. This modification can strengthen the levee on the landside while allowing a root-free zone above it with planting soil bermed on top. This condition is shown with more detail in Appendix Volume I: Design Guidelines, Chapter 5.

Planting on the landside slope can support trees, shrubs, and plant communities such as chaparral and desert scrub. The range in vertical structure in this habitat also encourages birds such as Cooper’s hawks and California towhees.

Biodiversity Profile section diagram with specifies listed for upland landside right-of-way
* The wildlife species listed in these examples are potential key indicator species and are not meant to be a comprehensive list, since wildlife is found in a variety of contexts given specific site conditions. * These profiles are not a substitute for good ecological design led by ecologists, landscape architects, and engineers. The use of biodiversity profiles while further engaging qualified ecologists and scientists in projects can help to add additional ecological data on a project-by-project basis.
OLIN, 2019
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