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Tier III Gathering Pavilion
One of the most critical common elements is the LA River pavilion.
Located at Los Feliz Boulevard, this Tier III pavilion has left bank and right bank structures. The right bank pavilion, which is not in the 1% or 0.2% floodplain, is the main structure, providing numerous services such as a café and restrooms. The left bank facility utilizes the existing bridge piers to create a unique user experience over the channel and connects to the Los Feliz bridge while providing shade, amenities, and community space.
Right Bank Tier III Gathering Pavilion
These pavilions would provide much needed services in a stretch of the river that is heavily used by pedestrians and cyclists. Community kitchens, neighbor food vendors, and a variety of food cultures could be supported in the pavilion. This site would also be a good location to provide outdoor or indoor spaces for activities such as traditional ceremonies held by Indigenous communities for whom the river and surrounding land is sacred.
Left Bank Tier III Gathering Pavilion
Based on how they are sited, pavilions can create new relationships between people and the river. In this case, the Tier III pavilion cantilevers out over the channel, providing a rare vantage point from which visitors can take in their surroundings. Cafe tables and chairs invite people to gather together with the iconic river as backdrop, or to or sit quietly, watching the water flow by.