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Increase habitat and ecosystem function along the river corridor.

    Intact ecosystems perform multiple critical services beyond providing habitat for wildlife and providing public enjoyment. They make air more breathable, water more drinkable, and climate more stable. They help mitigate the negative effects of urban development by filtering and absorbing stormwater,…
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    Create 51 miles of connected open space along the river.

      The LA River has great potential to serve as the backbone of an open space network across LA County. This 51-mile backbone would be unique within the county, providing park space to underserved adjacent communities, offering a variety of experiences from…
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      Update and improve emergency preparedness.

        Although flood infrastructure is in place to protect life and property, flooding can still pose a threat to communities within the floodplain during an extreme storm event. These communities, which are protected from routine floods, must still be prepared. The…
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