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Action: Increase units of affordable housing within one mile of the river.

The most effective way to mitigate adverse effects on housing affordability is to increase the supply of affordable housing or preserve existing affordable housing.

Investing in more housing units with restricted rents near the river can help ensure that river adjacent communities remain income diverse even as the river improves.

Click above for other actions that involve the implementation lead or potential partners or that apply to the same geographic boundaries.


specific, tangible ways to reach the goal

  • Encourage a mix of supportive housing, affordable rental, and affordable homeownership units in both new construction and preservation buildings.
  • Expand the LA County Community Development Authority’s Home Ownership Program (HOP) to provide additional affordable homeownership opportunities in river adjacent communities.
  • Designate river adjacent communities at risk of increased displacement as priority areas for County affordable housing investment.
  • Publicly report on the progress toward this goal annually through the Affordable Housing Coordinating Committee.
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