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Foster opportunities for continued community engagement, development, and education.

Engaging all members of the community leads to broader stewardship of the LA River and can support growth in communities adjacent to the river.
LA County Public Works, 2019.

Among the hundreds of community groups that are present along the river, there are over three dozen organizations and initiatives that focus on the river itself, some of which have been active for over three decades.

Healthier, more socially connected communities were the third most important river-related issue for community members. The LA River’s connection to the region’s history, ecology, and culture makes it a prime venue and tool for both community engagement and education. Community members felt it was most important for people to learn how the river benefits and supports the environment (38%); ecology, habitat, and vegetation (33%); and current hydrology and uses of the river (21%). Though some adjacent communities currently take advantage of the river, a reimagined river with increased activity could serve as a platform and front door for all surrounding communities. Additionally, a comprehensive and inclusive history of the river and the environmental and social impacts of its development on underserved communities provides a relevant and powerful educational tool for all communities.


Steps that should be taken to achieve the goal

LA River Engagement and Education Need
LA County Engagement and Education Need Ruler.
OLIN, 2019.

Needs: Engagement and Education

Neighborhoods should have educational opportunities proportional to their population size.

Engagement and Education need was evaluated by comparing the number of education assets at a given location such as schools, libraries, and adult education programs with that location’s population density to evaluate the number of educational assets relative to the number of people in the surrounding community.
LA County Map
LA County Engagement and Education Need.
OLIN, 2021.
Asset mapping was primarily derived from 2016 LA County GIS Data Portal: LA County Points of Interest Data, which identifies educational facilities throughout LA County. Given the lack of detail about the size and services of specific assets, the relative density of assets was measured. Areas with a higher density of educational assets was categorized as general need, while areas with a low density of assets was categorized as very high need.
Population density was used to compare the relative number of assets in a given location to the number of people at that location. Population data was derived from the U.S. Census Bureau 2015–2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Areas with a high population density were categorized as very high need, while areas with a low density were categorized as general need.

Sites with Very High Need for Engagement and Education

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