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Action: Provide spaces for people of all ages and abilities to learn about the ecology, hydrology, engineering, and cultural and natural history of the river and its watershed.

The LA River and its watershed have been in a constant state of change throughout human history—from the way the river used to naturally change course to its channelization, from native plant and animal communities to dense urbanization, from native peoples’ use of the river as a water source to its current use as flood risk reduction infrastructure.

Some artifacts of this evolution of the river are still visible today, but much of this history is not readily apparent. Providing spaces for learning can allow people to connect with this history in a tangible way that can only happen in person along the river.

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specific, tangible ways to reach the goal

Best Practice

Pairing educational materials with pavilions and access points, like here at the North Valleyheart Riverwalk located at river mile 29.4, allows users to gain knowledge of the river and their environment.
OLIN, 2019.
Photo of environmental signage along river walk trail.
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