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Action: Create 51 miles of connected open space along the river.

The LA River has great potential to serve as the backbone of an open space network across LA County.

This 51-mile backbone would be unique within the county, providing park space to underserved adjacent communities, offering a variety of experiences from one mile to the next, and serving as a destination for the entire county and beyond.

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specific, tangible ways to reach the goal

  • Create a park setting along the entire river that is integrated with native ecology, utilizing this plan’s design guidelines (LA River Design Guidelines).
  • Utilize river channel right-of-way and adjacent areas to increase park space and prioritize implementation of right-of-way projects in underserved and/or high and very high park need communities.
  • Promote the river as a central greenway in the larger LA County network of regional parks, multi-use trails, habitat, and open space.
  • Develop river channel right-of-way and adjacent areas equitably to ensure that all LA County residents live within a half mile of a park.
  • Provide river-oriented and other amenities and experiences in existing and new park spaces that are not currently available at nearby parks, and increase unique programming along the river corridor.
  • Preserve and create viewsheds along the river, to the river, and from bridges over the river.
  • Secure ongoing and long-term funding for land acquisition, construction, and maintenance of additional parks and recreational facilities and prioritize funding for park facilities in high and very high park need areas to ensure that funding benefits the communities with the greatest need.
  • Increase recreation uses within the corridor where compatible with ecological function, safety, and maintenance.
  • Encourage clean-up of brownfield and toxic sites along the river for use as parkland and habitat areas.
  • Encourage active programming of park spaces along the LA River, and pilot interim programming uses of underutilized areas.
Pavilion cadence diagram
Varying in size and range of amenities, three tiers of pavilions will provide opportunities for shade, rest, and gathering at regular intervals along the length of the river.
OLIN, 2019.
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