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Strategic Directions

The LA River Master Plan is based on a goal-driven framework which ensures that the plan’s recommendations are closely tied to their potential to achieve the broader Master Plan’s nine goals.

This was achieved through a comprehensive evaluation of criteria identified in the plan’s existing conditions inventory and analysis for assessing each goal along the 51 miles of the LA River; subsequently identifying areas of general to very high need relative to that goal. The plan’s strategic directions are a framework built around the plan’s nine goals, each of which is an active priority for the future of the river and is explained by rationale that weaves together analysis and community input gathered throughout the Master Plan process.

The LA River Master Plan is a goal-driven framework built around a robust data-based methodology to assess community needs. All strategic directions and design opportunities are informed by community needs and site opportunities to support the vision for the reimagined river.
OLIN, 2019.

The Master Plan’s strategic directions are built around nine goals. Each goal is an active priority for the future of the river and is explained by a rationale that weaves together technical analysis and community input. Each goal is supported by a set of actions that work towards achieving each goal. Each action is, in turn, supported by a set of methods that provide specific, tangible implementation steps. Together, the goals, actions, and methods form the strategic directions of the LA River Master Plan. By adopting this plan, the County will indicate that it intends to work to achieve these strategic directions for the LA River.

The realization of the goals, actions, and methods will require collaboration among many LA County departments and collaboration between the County and external public, private, and institutional partners.

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