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Increase safe transportation routes to the river.

    Ensuring that there are clear, safe, direct connections from neighborhoods to the LA River makes nearby neighbors more likely to use the river and, by extension, the broader LA County network of parks and trails that the river connects to. The…
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    Encourage cities along the river to adopt sustainability strategies.

      Adopting sustainability strategies that encourage the use of best practices in the construction, maintenance, and operation of public projects can decrease a city’s environmental footprint, reduce long-term costs, and improve the relationships between buildings and their surrounding environments. In addition to…
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      Ensure design excellence within and along the river corridor.

        Excellence in design enhances function. From the earliest stages of project development, it is important to consider how a project can be beautiful while addressing multiple needs of adjacent communities. Design excellence requires an attention to quality of built structures, the…
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        Reduce peak flood flows into the river.

          In addition to increasing capacity of the river, flood risk can also be improved by reducing the amount of water that enters the LA River at peak flows. Upstream storage or detention facilities, such as dams, help to store runoff during…
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